Information about the use of Breast Implants

Dr Campbell-Lloyd offers patients the option to use silicone breast implants in selected circumstances. Silicone breast implants may be used for:

  • Breast reconstruction
  • Correction of congenital differences/asymmetry
  • Correction of complications associated with previous cosmetic breast augmentation
  • and to address the effects of substantial weight loss on the breast.

Please read the following information carefully if you are considering breast enhancement or rejuvenation surgery including breast augmentation or breast lift procedures.

Breast augmentation with silicone breast implants has long been the most common cosmetic surgical procedure in Australia.

Whilst the use of breast implants is considered safe and there is limited scientific evidence that silicone breast implants are a direct cause of illness, it is also true that breast implants have been linked to serious conditions such as BIA-ALCL, and they cause complications for many women, leading to revision or removal. For a more detailed overview of breast implant safety, Dr Campbell-Lloyd has written a number of articles on his personal blog discussing this issue.

Dr Campbell-Lloyd has chosen not to offer primary cosmetic breast augmentation using breast implants in his practice.

This is a choice that has been made after much consideration for the well-being of our patients. Dr Campbell-Lloyd’s practice has long been focused on natural techniques and corrective procedures for women who have suffered complications after previous cosmetic surgery, and the use of breast implants for primary cosmetic procedures is not consistent with our surgical philosophy.

Dr Campbell-Lloyd believes that there are excellent implant-free alternatives for many women seeking primary breast augmentation and breast rejuvenation.

The option to use silicone breast implants remains necessary in certain cases.

Dr Campbell-Lloyd will continue to offer patients the choice to use silicone breast implants for the following reasons:

  • for ladies who require breast reconstruction (after cancer surgery/treatment); Read More
  • for ladies with congenital differences including asymmetry and tuberous breasts; Read More
  • and for some ladies with complications relating to previous cosmetic breast augmentation; Read More
  • and in some cases of massive weight loss with substantial deflation, ladies may require a mastopexy combined with an implant augmentation to compensate for the effect of their weight loss; Read More.
Please note: Dr Campbell-Lloyd chooses to use only "nano-textured" breast implants. He believes that these implants offer the best safety profile and the best characteristics to create a result which is as natural as possible. Dr Campbell-Lloyd does not use "teardrop" or anatomical devices; polyurethane devices; or textured breast implants.

For some women, the idea of “breast implant incompatibility” is an important consideration. There are many women who enjoy their breast implants over long periods of time after successful breast implant surgery. There are other women, who despite technically successful surgery, suffer with the early occurrence of complications including breast implant illness (BII), capsular contracture, pain, implant rupture and distortion of the breast. These considerations have influenced Dr Campbell-Lloyd’s decision.

It must be emphasised that Dr Campbell-Lloyd continues to believe that breast implants are safe devices and may be appropriate for many women; equally, breast implants may not be appropriate for other women. The risk of defined conditions such as Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) remain extremely low, and there has never been a case described in association with the nano-textured breast implants that Dr Campbell-Lloyd chooses to use.

There is no “one size fits all” approach to any surgery, and we do not and will not judge anyone who chooses breast augmentation with implants.

Dr Campbell-Lloyd’s choice not to use implants for primary breast augmentation is not a criticism of other surgeons, or patients.

Some patients pursue a particular aesthetic goal from a breast augmentation which can only be achieved with breast implants. Prominent upper pole fullness, significantly enhanced projection and cleavage, and substantial breast enlargement (greater than 2 cup sizes) are all goals which may only be met with a silicone breast implant and patients seeking this type of change are best served consulting with a surgeon who offers primary cosmetic breast augmentation with breast implants. Implant-free techniques will not be suitable for these patients.

We see many patients seeking advice on surgery to rejuvenate or enhance the breast. Often, those patients have seen other surgeons first, and have been offered breast implants as their only option. Our philosophy is to prioritise natural results and implant-free techniques where possible as we believe this leads to the safest and most durable surgical outcomes.

  • for Breast Reconstruction after cancer treatment (as shown above); or for patients with developmental problems such as tuberous breast.
  • Revision breast surgery for the treatment of complications after previous cosmetic breast implant surgery including rupture and capsular contracture; and to address the effects of substantial weight loss on the breast.

For more information you can message us here.

Read articles about Breast Implant safety from our news archive here.

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