Our new publication in the "Aesthetic Plastic Surgery" journal
June 25, 2024
December 7, 2021
By Dr. Andrew Campbell-Lloyd

Our new publication in the "Aesthetic Plastic Surgery" journal

I've been saying for ages that I really must get around to submitting our data for publication by way of supporting my arguments about muscle repair at the time of explant. So, I did just that recently. Our latest academic paper has been accepted into "Aesthetic Plastic Surgery" journal after peer-review, which I am quite pleased about.

I must stress, that there is a vast gulf between "evidence" and "experience". Right now, this is simply a report on my "experience". Until this data has been replicated by many other surgeons in many other women, we can't call this evidence. But it is something.

Anyone who has seen me knows that I firmly believe in the importance of repairing the Pec major muscle during explant, and this article outlines my rationale and approach to doing that.

The paper will be supplemented by operative videos that are available to surgeons who have access to the journal.

Anyway, the image below will link to the PDF version of the article which will be in an upcoming issue of APS.

Dr Campbell-Lloyd's latest publication on the value of muscle repair at the time of explant